
Eating Organic


It seems like there is so much information now about eating organic food. It’s a good idea, but there are a lot of misconceptions, too. For instance, warnings online about what foods are dangerous to eat don’t take into consideration the amount of “dangerous” chemicals that may be on or in some of these foods, particularly vegetables and fruit. In many cases, one would have to eat pounds and pounds of the produce to cause a possible problem in your body. If you read all the negative hype, like “Top 5 foods to NEVER eat”, it will make you crazy.Markets are getting on the bandwagon and have labels on their organic produce, grass-fed meat and free range chicken and eggs. You may have noticed that the costs are quite a bit higher for these items. Careful planning and a little bit of research can help you feed your family safely and economically.For instance, fruits and vegetables that can be peeled or washed will most likely remove any residue from the produce. Other items that are eaten peels and all may be the ones you want to buy in the organic version. Strawberries are an example of this: have you ever tried to peel a strawberry? Just use your better judgment; there is logic in shopping, after all.Farmer’s markets are a good way to buy locally grown produce, but be aware that some fruits and vegetables will still have been treated with pesticides and chemicals. Just read the signs as organically grown is all the rage now and the farmers are aware of what the public is looking for.The bottom line is, don’t go overboard and be over reactive in buying “healthy” foods for your family. Remember that most of the meats and produce contain just trace amounts of unhealthy chemicals and you have been just

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